Nächste Yogaperiode


Congé Annuel


Next season


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Monday10:00-11:15Silver Yoga with Josiane
18:30-19:45Hatha Yoga with Josiane
Tuesday10:00–11:15Silver Yoga with Josiane
18:30-19:45Hatha Yoga with Josiane
18:30-19:45Yin Yoga with Josiane
Thursday10:00–11:15Silver Yoga with Josiane
18: 00–19:15Hormon Yoga with Josiane
Saturday9:30-10:45Dynamic Yoga with Serge
All classes are taught in luxemburgish

Book an appointment


Begegne dir mit Achtsamkeit:
Kosten: 200€ / 8 Sessions
Kursort: Yogashala Roeser
Kursleitung: Lisa Nill
Termine: 02.10/09.10/16.10/23.10.24

Chakra Yoga & Meditation:
Kosten 420€ / 6 Sessions
Kursort: Yogashala Roeser
Kursleitung: Lisa Nill & Josiane Weiler
Termine: 06.10/13.10/20.10.24

Good to know before you start

Classes are taught in luxembourgish


Please arrive in time at the yoga studio, so that you have some time to relax before the beginning of the lesson. Ideal are 10 minutes before the start of the course. If you appear later and the lesson has already begun, you are welcome to join us, but wait for the end of the initial meditation and only then enter the room.


Take off your shoes when you get to the yoga studio. Dress comfortably and bring socks and a blanket for the relaxation phase (Savasana).


Out of respect for your fellow practitioners, please do not use perfume or other scents, as this is not everyone's favourite.


Always stay until the end of the lesson including Savasana (relaxation phase), because you can recover optimally from the strenuous exercises and become again full of energy and mentally receptive.


Please turn off your mobile phone during yoga classes. It helps you to concentrate on yourself and not disturb others. Speak calmly and quietly to ensure peace in the studio for you and others.


Before starting lessons you should not eat for 2-3 hours, so that your stomach or body is not occupied with the digestive process.


Yoga is not a sporting competition but a physical activity in itself, without any evaluation. Stay with yourself and don't compare yourself to others. Be patient with yourself even if you cannot perform an exercise according to your ideas and ambitions.


Sometimes your teacher will support you in your postures in Ashtanga classes to help you get better into the different positions.


The participant takes part in the courses at his/her own risk. Yogashala s.à.r.l. is not liable for damages and injuries caused by the participant. Yogashala s.à.r.l. is not liable for the loss of clothes, valuables or money.

Bitte beachte

Mit der Termin-/Kursbuchung kommt der Kaufvertrag zustande und die Kursgebühr wird vorab fällig. Bei Überweisungen ist ein Zahlungsnachweis zum ersten Kurstermin vorzulegen.

Rechtzeitig stornierte Termine können fristgerecht nachgeholt werden, es erfolgt keine Rückerstattung der Gebühr.

Rent a room

You can rent the shala for your workshops or yoga/meditation classes on weekends.
Please contact us for any further information and renting conditions.

About me

Through years of self practice I have come to know yoga as very healing and relaxing for me. My mission is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible to do their own yoga. I would like to share yoga with all those interested through physical movement and breathing exercises to inner peace, serenity, balance and relaxation. My focus is on attentive practice as well as on the perception and acceptance of one's own needs and possibilities. This is the basis to approach one's own limits with joy and ease and to overcome them.

I have completed a classical yoga training after Swami Sivananda in Goa and Rishikesh/ India and am RYS200 Yoga Alliance certified. Besides the dynamic Ashtanga style, I passionately teach Yin Yoga, a style that has a healing and transforming effect on the whole body.

Other qualifications:
Fascia Yoga by Amiena Zylla
Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark
Modular Therapy Course (Yogatherapy) AYI Concept by Dr. Ronald Steiner
Breathwork & Pranayama by Dr. Ronald Steiner
Certified Instructor Breathwork by Dr. Konstantin P. Buteyko
Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown
Hormonyoga by Yoga Vidya Speyer

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I register for the course?

Our number of participants is limited. In the timetable under "Register" you can easily register.

Are there special courses for beginners?

My courses are intended for all exercise levels. I can show the beginners alternative positions at any time.

What do I do if I cannot attend a course?

Please unsubscribe in advance by mail so that I can make the free space available to another person. You can also make up for your missed course if I have a gap in the course schedule. Please talk to me.

What should I do if I have health restrictions?

Please first talk to your doctor about whether yoga is suitable for your body and inform me about your physical limitations before the yoga class. I can then show you alternative exercises to the respective Asanas.

What you should bring with you

Yoga mats, seat cushions (meditation cushions), blankets are available for every practitioner.
You are welcome to bring your own material.
For practicing you need a yoga mat, a seat cushion, a blanket to keep warm during the final relaxation (Savasana).